Welshman Ncube Resurfaces : As opposition parties coalition is proposed

MDC- leader Welshman Ncube resurfaces after catastrophic defeat in the 2013 pesidential elections

MDC- leader Welshman Ncube resurfaces after catastrophic defeat in the 2013 pesidential elections

Nearly a month after election defeat, MDC leader, Welshman Ncube disappeared from the limelight only to resurface now  dismissing the leadership suitability of MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai in the proposed coalition of opposition parties to challenge Zanu-PF in the 2018 elections.

Prof Ncube ‘s party won a handful of wards but failed to win any directly elected parliamentary seat, only to scrap through  with four after the mathematics of proportional representation had been done. He got some 90 000 votes in the presidential race.

MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvangirai

MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvangirai

Between now and then , Prof Ncube led party has lost atleast 5 senior leaders who publicly left  his party for MDC-T dillusionment caused by the crashing defeat and what they call absence  of direction from the top. There is a possibility that tens and hundreds more in the rank and file have left the party but Prof Ncube has kept his silence regardless.

Surprisingly the talk of a coalition has seen the Prof returning to write off Tsvangirai ‘s capacity to lead the coalition if ever it materialises. The question is if Tsvangirai is not the leader who does he think should be the leader? Tsvangirai has proven over the years that he has mass appeal and Prof Welsh on the other hand, has proved that he has the brains but not the mass appeal. Critics have even argued that Prof tends to drift into abstract academic matters and does not relate with bread and butter aspects needed to win over the majority vote.

Tsvangirai on the other hand, although he has the mass appeal his actions in the past few months has shown that he is a dictator who finds it hard to allow other members to freely express their views. An illustrative example in this respect has been the firing of Elton Mangoma and four others. Given this circumstance if the coalition is to be formed, Tsvangirai will not agree to any president elect expect himself to lead.

While Prof Ncube is back on the limelight and is fighting against Tsvangirai’s leadership the blogger feels it is just a waste of time.  He has failed twice to rally a significant number of  electorates. People know Tsvangirai and are familiar with him and surely the coalition should not risk losing by nominating Welsh as the leader.


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