2013 Zimbabwean Harmonised elections Tsvangirai’s last?

Tendai Biti, Benett,Elliot Mangoma and Morgan Tsvangiria the power for struggle

From top left Tendai Biti, Roy Benett,Elliot Mangoma and Morgan Tsvangirai, the power for struggle

MDC-T has been rocked by in-house fighting with party officials suggesting that the party‘s president Morgan Tsvangirai step down from his position. This comes after the party lost to ZANU-PF in last year‘s harmonised elections with a large margin. Roy Bennett the treasurer general was the first to make a direct call that Tsvangirai step down, shortly after him, Elias Mudzuri made the same call and was also brushed aside. Both these party officials ‘remarks were dismissed as being irresponsive and driven by vengeance irrespectively. Recently another party official Elliot Mangoma resuscitated the calls to have Tsvangirai step down as the party‘s president. Arguably, Tsvangirai should step down he has failed the party. Instead of implementing strategies to strengthen the party from the previous election  he has been busy slumbering. They might have been arguaments that ZANU-PF rigged elections but the truth of the matter is that, in the four years Tsvangirai was sharing power with Zanu-PF he failed to plan for the harmonised elections and assumed he was still as popular as in the 2008 elections. ZANU-PF has over the years shown its strategic prowess and Tsvangirai ‘s private life indiscretions further worked the party and weakened MDC-T.  Tsvangirai’s intolerance of diverse views from other senior party officials shows that he is also not liberal despite preaching that others are dictators. Who preaches about the gospel of democracy when themselves they cannot execute the same actions? The beatings of Mangoma and his suspension is just the worst mistake that has precipitated further infighting and led to the creation of two camps; of the party’s secretary general and youth leader Tendai Biti that supports Mangoma and the Tsvangirai camp.  If what Mangoma alleges is true, that the violence was at the instigation of the MDC‘s party leader then Tsvangirai might have just tarnished his democrat image. I guess this is just the beginning, these are not the first calls and surely would not be the last. Could the 2013 harmonised elections have been the last for Tsvangirai????


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